Salam Tun,
this is what have been told of the 100 years of muslim sufferings after the toppled last kaliph empire. the us-britain-israel are just fullfiling the prophecy and the end of that era is blooming. these countries which terrorised the whole world will come to it's knee with worldwide economic boycott on their product.
malaysia must lead the movement. with diverse experience while spearheading nam & oic movement, also a stronger voice through un, lid and other dialoges, her role is pivotal in ensuring that these attrocities terrorising countries abide by the un charter.
we need to encourage more ecomonic cooperation through organisations that malaysia is a member, and pursue at all cost.
on the rakyat level, start generating extra income by venturing into small business, self-sustaining agriculture or mlm business, because at times like this, a lot of small entrepreneurs and mlm business sprung like blooming mushrooms after morning rain. strengthen our economy and starts donating to deserving people and countries. we should be economic producer, not being as a user only.
once we can be self independent on economic terms, use it wisely to enforce our purchasing right. help local products, boycott us-israel-british product.
thanks for publishing most of my views Tok Det.
Below is the introduction to the Charter;
3. Who wars today? Is it us or is it the very country which initiated this Charter, on whose soil the countries of the world gathered to formulate and to sign.
5. And has the United States shown any "faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small".
6. Look at the millions killed, millions more injured, cities and towns devastated by wars of aggression by the United States, look at the detention without trial and the torture of suspected "terrorists", the sanctions which killed hundreds of thousands of children and many other obvious disregard for fundamental human rights; look at them and ask yourselves what kind of people are the Americans who signed the UN Charter.
7. Then there is the obligation "to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law".
8. Have the United States and Britain, the main signatories of the United Nations Charter "established conditions under which justice and respect for .... treaties and international laws".
9. Both countries totally ignored the Charter of the United Nations the treaty that established it, when both warred against Iraq without the approval of the United Nations. Numerous international laws on rights of citizens and non-citizens, imprisonment and torture, international agreements on the environment have been flouted by the United States. Even the authority of the World Court has been rejected by the US.
10. Has the United States promoted social progress and better standards of life? Killing people in order to promote democracy is totally contrary to this undertaking.
11. Has the United States practiced tolerance and lived in peace as good neighbours? Has the United States obeyed the injunction not to use armed force and has it used international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all people? To all these questions, the answer is a resounding "No"!
12. Truly the United States and at times Britain together with Israel have never honored anything that they have undertaken to do in the Charter of the Untied Nations or at any other time.
13. And yet these two countries often take the high moral ground to preach to other people about human rights, about the rule of law, about respect for international law, about respecting treaties and agreements, about equality and freedoms etc.
14. Never has the world seen hypocrisy on this scale.
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By andi70