Salam Tun,
By zahar on December 30, 2008 4:40 PM
i wish that i can do something?
dear zahar and the rest with the same question. PLEASE use local products and services (i think i have commented on this issue). as simple as that. once we stop using anything that comes from US and her allies, we will win the war, economically. so many things can replace the products and services that support US, yet, we are still reluctant to do so. for example, eventhough McD is held by malaysian company, but still a portion goes to US. so, the malaysian company should justify either they want to make money with US ties, or start substituting as well, or even better, create our own brandnames and market it to the world, starting with the muslim nation.
easy said then done Tok Det?
1. Dunia ternampak mengutuk Israel kerana serangan tidak berperikemanusiaannya ke atas Gaza. Tetapi seperti biasa dunia tidak membuat apa-apa. Kenapa tidak? Kerana Amerika Syarikat berada di belakang Israel.
2. Dunia seharusnya juga mengutuk Amerika Syarikat. Pesawat pejuang dan bom yang digunakan adalah buatan Amerika. Jika ada kehilangan senjata, Amerika akan menggantikannya. Dan Amerika juga akan membiayai Israel bagi meneruskan keganasannya.
3. Selagi Amerika menyokong Israel kita akan lihat kebiadaban Israel membelakangkan pendapat dunia dan mereka akan terus membunuh orang Arab Palestin dan menghancurkan penempatan dan bandar mereka.
5. Sementara itu kita harus sedar secara kecil-kecilan kita juga bantu Israel. Buah pisang kaki (persimmon) dari Israel ada dijual di pasaraya Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapura adalah saluran bagi Israel menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
1. The world seem to be condemning Israel for the inhuman attack against Gaza. But as usual the world does nothing. Why not? Because Israel is backed by the United States of America.
2. The world should also condemn the United States. The planes and the bombs are all made in America. If they are lost the US will replace them. And the US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality.
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States' new President.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapore is Israel's channel to penetrate the Malaysian market.
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By andi70