Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Salam Tun,
Tok Det, this would be my last pen as I would be a silent observer on your opinion from now onwards. Whatever it is, may Allah bless you and this country.
PEMILIHAN MAJLIS TERTINGGI UMNO By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on March 21, 2009 3:00 PM
1. Perhatian rakyat Malaysia terutama orang Melayu ialah kepada peristiwa-peristiwa yang sedang berlaku dalam UMNO. Samada mereka ahli atau bukan ahli mereka tahu UMNO memainkan peranan yang besar dalam kehidupan mereka, dalam maju mundurnya Negara mereka.
2. Apa yang mereka lihat sehingga kini tidak menyenangkan hati mereka akan keupayaan UMNO dikekalkan.
3. UMNO yang telah perintah Negara ini dengan baik selama 50 tahun sekarang dilihat sebagai parti yang tidak bermaya.
4. Dalam hanya lima tahun dibawah pimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, parti UMNO sudah rosak dan menjadi amat lemah. Seiring dengan kelemahan parti, Kerajaan juga menjadi lemah dan kehidupan rakyat sudah tidak lagi sempurna.
5. Sekarang Abdullah berjanji akan letak jawatan pada hujung bulan ini dan Dato Seri Najib Razak akan mengambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri. Apakah Najib akan dapat memulihkan UMNO sehingga jadi kuat semula? Ini menjadi satu tanda tanya.
6. Apa yang berlaku dalam proses pemilihan kepimpinan tidak menjadi petanda yang baik. Parti UMNO sudah jadi parti perasuah. Samada ahli atau pemimpin, semuanya utamakan kepentingan diri.
7. Sepatutnya pemilihan pemimpin yang baru akan meyakinkan rakyat yang UMNO bersedia untuk membasmi gejala rasuah. Tetapi yang berlaku menunjuk yang UMNO tidak mempedulikan pemulihan parti dan pencapaian kemenangan dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13. Yang diutamakan ialah untuk menjadi pemimpin UMNO dengan apa cara sekalipun. Harapan mereka jika jadi pemimpin UMNO akan dapat jadi Menteri dan dapat kontrak dan lain-lain nikmat untuk diri sendiri.
8. Ternampak jelas yang pencalonan ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi yang dibuat oleh bahagian adalah hasil sogokan. Ramai yang dicalon diketahui umum telah beli undi. Dengan itu peluang pertama untuk memulih imej parti dikalangan rakyat sudah gagal kerana bahagian-bahagian utamakan sogokan. Peluang kedua untuk memulih imej parti juga tidak direbut. Sebenarnya Lembaga Disiplin dan Tribunal yang ditugas untuk membicara dan menghukum calon-calon yang dituduh terlibat dengan rasuah telah tidak menggunakan tugas mereka untuk memperbaiki imej parti. Sebaliknya Tribunal membuat keputusan yang menunjuk ia tidak bersungguh untuk menghukum mereka yang diketahui terlibat dengan rasuah. Dengan itu imej parti tidak terpulih dan menjadi lebih buruk.
9. Sekarang datang pula peranan para wakil untuk memulih imej parti dengan menolak calon yang dikenali mengguna wang untuk undi calon. Jika mereka tolak calon-calon ini, mereka akan sedikit sebanyak memulih imej parti dan kemungkinan parti akan menang dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
10. Tetapi oleh kerana keputusan Tribunal membolehkan calon-calon yang diketahui korup bertanding, perwakilan mungkin akan pilih mereka ini untuk menganggotai Majlis Tertinggi. Apabila ini berlaku imej parti akan jadi lebih buruk dan besar kemungkinan parti akan dikalahkan dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
11. Tetapi terdapat satu lagi peluang untuk imej parti dipulih. Apabila Kerajaan baru dibentuk oleh Dato Seri Najib, beliau boleh menolak pemimpin-pemimpin yang menang kerana rasuah daripada menganggotai Kabinet dan lain-lain jawatan Kerajaan pimpinannya. Jika sebaliknya Najib melantik orang yang diketahui menang kerana rasuah ke dalam Kerajaannya maka akan termusnahlah kepercayaan rakyat kepada Najib dan Kerajaannya. Tidak syak lagi yang UMNO dan Barisan Nasional akan kalah teruk dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
12. Saya percaya Dato Seri Abdullah akan paksa Najib pilih orang tertentu untuk jadi Menteri Kabinet Najib. Kita tahu sangat keinginan orang ini menjadi Perdana Menteri termuda. Sebenarnya kalau pun dia menang, penyertaannya dalam Kerajaan akan menyebabkan pengundi tolak Barisan Nasional dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13. Apatah lagi jika dia kalah dan masih lagi dapat tempat dalam Kerajaan.
13. Jika Dato Seri Najib memilih perasuah dan orang tertentu dalam Kerajaan pimpinannya, UMNO akan kalah dan terus hancur. Najib akan tinggal legasi sebagai pembunuh UMNO yang dihidupkan oleh ayahnya.
14. Ahli-ahli UMNO harus ingat tidak ada gunanya menjadi pemimpin UMNO, menjadi Presiden UMNO pun jika BN kalah dan tidak dapat tubuh Kerajaan.
15. Orang Melayu akan kutuk mereka yang telah hancurkan UMNO kerana mereka tamak dan mengkhianati bangsa dan negara.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Salam Tun,
saya perlu setuju dengan perkara ini
Tok Det, anda seorang daripada idola saya. teruskan.
By andi70 on March 20, 2009 2:08 AM
Salam Tun,
it's been sometime that i have been a sideline observer to this issue. eventhough i have commented once that only selected few is required to be proficient in english so that they could gain the science and math knowledge from oversea, and spread the knowledge in bahasa malaysia by translating it, but, it's easier said then done.
what i can forsee is that, not the subjects that are in question, but the process of dessiminating it to the student. yes, we are very keen on spoon feeding and creative thinking is way behind. i once help a year 3 student in utm skudai to create a blog. her english is fantastic, but her mentality is something to ponder. she was scared of making mistake and every ideas she had, or was given by me, she wanted to confer with her lecturer first, eventhough it was obvious and logical enough to say that the idea is acceptable on any standard.
another incident of creativity being truncated when once in baling, the rtd had compounded a custom made titan look-alike bikes, like the one that has been shown in astro through american chopper, because the bike was not recognised as a proper bike; it was not proper in rtd eyes because none of the bike was ever commercialised. in this case, our malay creativity has been witheld by unnecessary beureucratic red tape.
again, it was not the case of our ability to come up with new ideas, but it was the delivery system that is on fault. how are we going to be a nation of creative thinkers when we are only allowed to follow, but not to question or advance the idea. in history, hang nadim was victimised because of his intelligence by the sultan's aids, eventhough his idea was brilliant.
still, we never learn from history. as if, history is just another subject that we learned in school and have no practical usage once we have done with our spm or what ever exams there are. the bottom line here is mentality. i believe, you yourself admit that one thing you failed to change is the malay's mentality.
yet, don't forget, we do have many geniuses that are serving other nation, because of defectiveness in our delivery system, not to mention our political biasness. so, please look at the issue in a different perspective. no doubt english in scince and math would benefit the students in long run, but it was the delivery system which is at fault when we are not achieving the desired results.
Tok Det, i learned my science and math in bahasa malaysia from primary 1 to form 5, but i understand what i learned. yet, furthering my studies in those subject when i entered the university with english as the teaching medium didn't stop me from understanding those subject as well, coz "oksigen" is still oxigen, so is "aljebra", "elektrik", "motor", "sains" and "matematik".
n.b. the reason i have been writing all this while in english is for the benefit of worldwide readers, alas, i have to admit that english is one of international lingua franca. yet, i studied science and math in bahasa malaysia.
1. Saya berasa amat sedih apabila membaca laporan berkenaan demonstrasi yang dipimpin oleh tokoh sastera Melayu menentang pengajaran sains dan matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris.
2. Kononnya ini akan menidakkan kebolehan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam ilmu ini. Konon ia akan mengurangkan perkembangan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan.
3. Kita harus ingat bahawa pelajaran bukan semata-mata untuk memaju atau mengembangkan bahasa. Pelajaran adalah untuk penguasaan ilmu, pelbagai jenis ilmu.
4. Yang boleh meningkatkan taraf dan kemajuan bahasa ialah matapelajaran bahasa itu sendiri dan diperingkat yang lebih tinggi mata pelajaran sastera.
5. Sains dan matematik tidak mungkin menolong kemajuan bahasa, khususnya bahasa Melayu.
6. Ini disebabkan bahasa sains dan matematik bukan daripada bahasa Melayu. Sebahagian besar daripada perkataan-perkataan dalam mata pelajaran ini adalah dalam bahasa Latin yang di-Inggeriskan.
7. Memang benar kita boleh Melayu-kan perkataan-perkataan ini, seperti juga kita Melayu-kan perkataan daripada lain-lain bahasa.
8. Memang boleh tetapi perkataan-perkataan sains bukan satu dua tapi beratus-ratus. Dan perkataan ini menjadi asas kepada perkataan yang mempunyai makna yang amat berlainan.
9. Umpamanya perkataan Oxygen (Oksigen) - satu jenis gas. Derivative (cabang) daripada perkataan ini adalah seperti berikut;
• Oxygenation
• Oxidation
• Oxide
• Oxidants
• Deoxydation
• Oxidise
• Oxidification
• Dioxide
• Monoxide
• Peroxide
10. Ini hanya bagi satu elemen daripada sebanyak 120 (118) elemen.
11. Tiap satu mempunyai banyak derivative. Tetapi ada perkataan-perkataan lain yang hanya untuk ilmu sains. Jika semuanya nak di-Melayukan, bahasa Melayu akan bertukar menjadi bahasa Inggeris, ejaan lain bunyi semacam. Sebenarnya ia bukan bahasa Melayu lagi.
12. Ilmu sains dan matematik bukan ilmu yang statik. Ilmu-ilmu ini berkembang sepanjang masa. Tiap hari ada hasil kaji selidik, penerokaan, ciptaan dan perluasan yang diperkenal melalui ratusan kertas-kertas yang ditulis.
13. Hampir semua ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Untuk menterjemah tulisan ini kita perlu orang yang fasih dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris dan faham ilmu yang hendak diterjemah.
14. Kita ada beberapa kerat sahaja orang yang berkebolehan seperti ini. Itupun dalam dua tiga bidang sahaja. Orang yang layak seperti ini tidak berminat menjadi penterjemah seumur hidup. Apabila sains dan matematik diajar dalam bahasa Melayu, orang seperti ini tidak akan ada lagi. Bagaimanakah kita hendak ikuti perkembangan ilmu sains?
15. Sebaliknya kertas ilmiah akan terus dikeluarkan beratus-ratus lagi, semuanya dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa-bahasa lain. Maka tanpa kebolehan menterjemah semua ilmu baru ini akan tertinggallah orang Melayu dalam bidang ilmu yang amat penting di zaman ini.
16. Kalau kita masih tidak dapat menerima kenyataan di atas, kaji sahaja jumlah Phd dalam bidang sains yang hanya belajar sains dalam bahasa Melayu dan tidak faham bahasa Inggeris. Berapa ramaikah daripada pakar dalam bidang perubatan yang hanya belajar dalam bahasa Melayu, tanpa buku dalam bahasa Inggeris sebagai buku teks.
17. Apakah penuntut luar bandar tidak dapat menguasai bahasa Inggeris?
18. Sekali lagi perhitungan perlu dibuat berkenaan jumlah mereka yang dari kampung yang memegang jawatan tinggi dalam Kerajaan dan swasta kerana lulus dalam bahasa Inggeris dan mampu berhujah dalam bahasa berkenaan. Yang menentang PPSMI pun dari kampung juga tetapi dapat kelulusan bahasa Inggeris. Bahkan mereka sering berbahasa Inggeris.
19. Duta dan diplomat kita, berapa ramaikah yang hanya boleh bertutur kata dalam bahasa Melayu yang memegang jawatan penting dalam Kementerian Luar?
20. Pakar sains dan perubatan dan juga pegawai tinggi Kerajaan sering dikehendaki mengambil bahagian dalam persidangan antarabangsa. Apakah mereka dapat berhujah dan mengambil bahagian secara berkesan dengan mengguna hanya bahasa Melayu?
21. Saya bukan hendak memandang rendah bahasa bangsa saya sendiri. Tetapi saya perlu terima hakikat yang sebenar.
22. Bahasa sesuatu bangsa akan dipelajari oleh orang asing jika bangsa itu amat maju dan terkenal dengan ilmu yang dimiliki dan diterokai olehnya. Demikian sebelum abad ke-15 Masihi orang Eropah terpaksa belajar bahasa Arab kerana tamadun Islam pada masa itu gah dan amat dihormati. Tetapi selepas orang Islam ketepikan sains, ilmu perubatan dan hisab, orang Eropah tidak lagi mempelajari bahasa Arab. Sebaliknya orang Arab dan Islam terpaksa belajar bahasa Eropah.
23. Jika kita ingin bahasa Melayu digunakan dengan meluas kita perlu majukan diri kita dalam semua bidang terutama bidang ilmu dahulu. Sebelum daripada itu minat untuk belajar bahasa Melayu akan terhad kepada sekumpulan kecil sahaja.
24. Kita belajar sains dan matematik untuk memajukan bangsa kita supaya satu hari mungkin kita akan terkenal berkenaan dengan penerokaan dan kajiselidik oleh kita dan orang lain akan belajar bahasa kita untuk mendapat ilmu yang diteroka oleh kita.
25. Penguasaan ilmu amat penting bagi masa depan seseorang. Janganlah kita perjudikan masa depan anak orang kerana kononnya kita seorang nasionalis yang begitu sayang kepada bahasa kita. Sayang bahasa tidak boleh melebihi sayang bangsa. Mereka yang sayang bangsa mereka ingin lihat bangsa mereka maju, berilmu dan dihormati dunia. Hanya kerana boleh bertuturkata dalam bahasa sendiri tidak akan menjadikan bangsa kita dihormati dan disegani orang.
26. Akan rosaklah bangsa dan negara jika dasar negara ditentukan oleh orang yang berdemonstrasi. Lebih rosak lagi jika yang berdemonstrasi didalangi oleh politik pembangkang.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Sunday, March 8, 2009
on March 5, 2009 8:27 AM March 6, 2009 12:07 AM
Salam Tun,
it seems we are in better position in both scenario. the 97-98 crises pass away because only our region was affected, but this time round, the whole world is crumbling. as i have mention , malaysian government need to spruce up the initiative to create as many entrepreneurs and SME in basic necessity all over malaysia.
just allocate RM5 million to a town, and build a yellow noodle factory to supply for the whole district. Duplicate and we will have 12 towns supplying basic needs. well, capitalism didn't work, communism is still surviving, islamic way is sure to win.
look at al-arqam. if not for azhaari wishful thinking, they is one of the best organisation ever to expand economically in the region. learn from them, the secrets etc. duplicate. the way is already proven, we need not seek it far away. it's just within our grip.
in the end, we will have a strong domestic economy, and with God wills, export the surplus. that's how a nation should work. duplicate japan with their cottage industry. let people have job, and the economy will spin.
Tok Det, if only the government was thinking of "rakyat"...
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 5, 2009 8:27 AM
1. I was in England recently and the newspapers were full of dismal reports on bank and business failures, the closure of well-known businesses like Woolworths and Baratt, the increases of unemployment rate with some 700,000 professionals among the 2 million laid off or unable to get jobs. And there were lots more bad news.
2. The British Government is busy bailing out banks and companies with hundreds of billions of pounds but the economy seemed to have gone into recession despite all these efforts. There is no sign that the crisis is on the mend.
3. Malaysia can feel vindicated because all the things we did in the 1997 - 98, crisis, which were condemned by the economists of Europe and America, are now being done by them blatantly and on a massive scale. They talk about trillions of dollars and hundreds of billions of pounds in bailouts. Where the money is coming from is not revealed. Have they been keeping these huge sums for such an emergency?
4. I am not a financier or even an economist. But somehow I think the bailouts are not going to work although they worked in our case.
5. This is because the banks and businesses we bailed out did not get into trouble because they abused the systems or indulged in fraud. They were forced into that situation because the currency was devalued by currency traders and they found themselves unable to meet their commitments. Once they gained access to funds through bailouts they were able to do business again and to repay the money they had received.
6. They were able to do this because, although Malaysia was in recession, the rest of the world was not. There was much less constraint in doing business.
7. The situation today is very different.
8. The collapse of the economies of the rich countries is due to extensive abuses of the financial and monetary systems so much so that the systems broke down completely. I doubt (not being an expert I can only doubt) that the trillions of dollars to bail out the failed banks and financial institutions will enable them or their economies to recover.
9. This is because their huge losses were due to fraud and they cannot recover the billions they had lost through ordinary business, i.e. through the financing of the production of goods and services. Only through doing the same things that had brought them down, i.e. through sub-prime loans, through investments in derivatives and hedge funds, through massive loans to currency traders etc. can they make the billions to return the money they had received through bailouts. Obviously they cannot be allowed to indulge in their old abuses. Through ordinary business it would take years and years to recover the money they had lost. In the meantime all these banks, financial institutions and businesses will belong to the bailor, the Government, i.e. they have effectively been nationalised. And that will spell the end of capitalism and the free market.
10. It should be noted that the East Asian countries have not yet recovered from the 1997 - 98 crisis. Their currencies have not regained their strength to the pre-crisis levels. They have all become poorer, or at least not as rich as they could be had there been no financial crisis.
11. It will be the same with the rich countries. Their GDP and per capita pre-crisis will not be restored despite the trillions they are spending on their bailouts. They are poorer now and will remain relatively poor even after they have put their houses in order.
12. I may be wrong of course. Maybe by more trillions of dollars of bailouts the rich would achieve recovery. But I have my doubts.
13. Unfortunately the poor countries will also become poorer.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Monday, March 2, 2009
Salam Tun,
seems like the spin doctor manage to portray how compasionate our current government in attending to the plight of the citizen in light of current adversity and economic turmoil. it is obvious that the government is making positive issues out of a tragedy to give them better mark then the opposition.
lately, the administrator will gauged the overall respond of what ever issue through their highly guarded media and play up the sentiment according to the wishful thinking. a lot of issues need to be created so as the fourth floor will have the ability to do magic by siphoning malaysia'a wealth quietly behind all these commotion.
not to mention, issues are needed by bn for the coming by-election. without new issues, the old rhyme, which is already outdated, will be aired as usual. i think the fourth floor take note that people are already sick of petty issues like development, providing new multipurpose hall, upgrading road etc.
Tok Det, may i know, who is malaysia's spinning doctor now and during your era? israelli think tank?
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 1, 2009 10:09 PM
1. Rakyat yang selalu mengguna jalan tol akan berasa lega kerana kenaikan tol yang diumumkan oleh Menteri Kabinet yang bertanggungjawab, Datuk Seri Mohd Zin akan dikaji semula oleh Kabinet.
2. Perdana Menteri telah mengarahkan Kabinet mengkaji semula kenaikan tol kerana "Apa yang dibincangkan dan diputuskan itu dibuat dua tiga minggu lalu dan sejak itu keadaan ekonomi menjadi bertambah buruk".
3. Apa gamaknya yang telah jadi kepada ekonomi Negara dalam jangka masa tiga minggu. Biasanya sebelum keputusan dibuat oleh Kabinet, maklumat berkenaan aliran ekonomi diberi oleh pakar-pakar untuk jangkasama yang agak panjang, sudah tentu lebih dari tiga minggu. Apakah pakar-pakar ini telah tergesa-gesa lari ke Perdana Menteri tiga minggu selepas keputusan dibuat oleh Kabinet untuk memaklumkan ekonomi merosot begitu teruk dan tol tidak boleh dinaikkan. Apakah mereka menjelaskan bahawa kajian semula tol akan membaikkan keadaan ekonomi. Atau apakah Perdana Menteri membawa perkara ini ke Kabinet dengan data yang cukup tentang keburukan ekonomi sebelum mengumumkan tol perlu dikaji semula. Atau apakah kenaikan ini tidak bijak dibuat semasa beliau masih Perdana Menteri. Tunggu orang lain naik jadi Perdana Menteri dan terpaksa menaikkan tol.
4. Atau apakah ini satu lagi manifestasi "flip-flop" Abdullah? Mungkinkah perletakan jawatan juga perlu dikaji dengan lebih mendalam apabila masanya hampir tiba. Ekonomi yang amat teruk boleh juga jadi satu alasan. Dapatkah ekonomi negara dipulih tanpa Dato Seri Abdullah?
5. Apa pandangan Tingkat Empat?
tribute to Che Det Blog
Saturday, February 28, 2009
By andi70 on February 27, 2009 4:53 PM
Salam Tun,
saya terpanggil untuk memberi pandangan berkenaan kebebasan suara dan kadar pengangguran di britain. sepertimana yang telah diketahui, hampir 85% media dunia dipunyai oleh golongan yahudi. maka, adalah wajar untuk mereka menapis cerita sepertimana yang dilakukan oleh media malaysia sekarang. kepentingan mereka akan dijaga sebaik mungkin, dan menerusi "sound bites" (atau "pelbagai maklumat"), mereka telah pun menanamkan satu bentuk kehidupan yang sering kita lihat di kaca-kaca television, yang sering melunturkan asas keharmonian hidup yang syumul.
namun, puak yahudi ini sendiri mengamalkan cara hidup yahudi yang sebenar, iaitu sentiasa berbakti kepada tuhan, menjauhi arak, judi, riba dan zina sesama mereka. malah, mereka juga tidak merokok, walau pun mereka adalah pemegang saham terbesar dalam syarikat rokok! mereka telah berjaya mempengaruhi dunia sebelah barat menerusi media mereka sehingga terciptanya akta "anti-semitism" dan sebagainya. perlu kita ingat, akta ini baru sahaja di gubal dalam sedekad yang lalu. pembohongan yang selalu diulang-ulang, lama-lama akan dipercayai juga oleh para pengikut media mereka.
manakala tahap pengangguran pula boleh dikaitkan dengan kadar tukaran matawang tinggi yang selama ini dikecapi oleh britain. sebelum ini, kerajaan britain telah memberi pelbagai bantuan kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan seperti elaun rumah, elaun kebajikan, persekolahan anak-anak, makanan dan lain-lain lagi. britain pada masa itu boleh dianggap sebagai negara kebajikan. ini dikecapi hasil daripada nilai matawang mereka yang tinggi. mereka mampu membeli barangan dunia pada harga yang cukup murah, manakala mereka menjual barangan ketenteraan dan berteknologi tinggi dalam kadar yang amat mahal, namun terpaksa dibeli kerana ketiadaan pengganti yang sama mutu dengan barangan tersebut. antaranya, nejin kapal terbang rolls royce, kereta kebal "challangger", kapal terbang pelatih and pesawat "hawk", radar dan lain-lain.
pengangguran di britain adalah sentiasa tinggi, tetapi mereka tidak begitu merasai kesannya kerana kerajaan britain berupaya menanggung keperluan penduduknya yang menganggur dengan pendapatan negara mereka yang tinggi. namun, kadar kemelesetan ekonomi pada kali ini adalah yang paling teruk pernah dialami dunia selepas daripada perang dunia kedua. setelah sekian lama menipu dunia menerusi perdagangan matawang, kini mereka terperangkap dengan penipuan mereka sendiri.
malaysia juga akan mendapat tempias daripada kadar kelembapan ekonomi dunia di mana, barangan kita sudah tidak dapat lagi diekspot ke sebelah barat. malaysia perlu meningkatkan lagi pertumbuhan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana untuk menjana perdagangan secara dalaman dan juga meneruskan misi pemasaran ke negara-negara islam serta rantau asia seperti china dan india. perbanyakkan lagi peluang perniagaan kepada mereka yang terlibat dengan sektor yang diamcam pembuangan kerja.
sebagai contoh, di negara china, sebuah persimpangan empat sebatang lebuhraya 3 lorongyang diuruskan oleh lampu isyarat masih lagi menggunakan seorang seorang polis trafik di tengah-tengah persimpangan tersebut, disamping lapan orang yang menjaga berdua-dua di setiap simpang untuk melancarkan pejalan kaki melintas jalan. dua orang di setiap sebelah jalan. bukannya lampu isyarat itu tidak dapat menjalankan fungsinya di persimpangan tersebut, tetapi negara china menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyatnya. maka, berlakulah kitaran kewangan dalaman negara. setiap RM1 yang dibelanjakan akan menghasilkan kitaran sepuluh kali ganda daripada RM1 yang disimpan. itulah konsepnya.
Tok Det, siapa yang menerajui unit perancangan ekonomi (epu)? bagitau depa ni, rancang la elok-elok sikit, jangan asyik dok sedap meyandar dekat kerusi empok ja.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 27, 2009 3:09 PM
Dalam bahasa multimedia perkataan "Snippets" sudah diganti dengan "Sound Bites". Snippets terhad kepada media cetak tetapi "Sound Bites" meliputi semua media - cetak, radio dan televisyen. Justeru saya akan guna "Sound Bites" sekarang. Saya tidak akan guna bahasa kebangsaan kerana mungkin ramai tak akan faham "Bunyi Gigit".
Semasa saya kecil kasut yang terkenal dari England ialah "Kasut Barat" (Barrat Shoes). Akibat kegawatan yang melanda United Kingdom syarikat yang mengeluarkan kasut Barrat selama hampir seratus tahun sudah bankrap dan ditutup.
"Woolworths" adalah sebuah gedung runcit yang terkenal dan mempunyai beratus cawangan diseluruh Britain. Baru-baru ini Woolworths juga sudah ditutup dan beribu pekerjanya menganggur.
Beberapa daripada cawangan Woolworths ini sudah diambil alih oleh "Kedai Kelin" di United Kingdom yang menjual aneka jenis barang dengan harga 99 pence.
Sekarang Britain sudah jadi miskin kerana penipuan oleh bank-bank gergasi mereka. Nilai pound jatuh daripada RM7 = 1 Pound Sterling kepada RM5.20 = 1 Pound Sterling. Ada barang di sini lebih murah daripada di Malaysia.
Barat berbangga dengan kebebasan bersuara mereka. Negara Asia termasuk Malaysia dikritik kerana tidak ada kebebasan bersuara.
Tetapi tidak ada kebebasan bersuara di Eropah jika ia melibatkan kritik terhadap Yahudi. Jika sesiapa mengkritik Yahudi maka mereka akan dilabel oleh media sebagai "anti-semitic".
Lebih daripada itu sesiapa yang mengkritik cerita "holocaust" iaitu pembunuhan orang Yahudi oleh Hitler, mungkin akan ditangkap dan dipenjara.
Yang lebih aneh lagi ialah perbezaan dasar antara Negara-negara Eropah. Di United Kingdom kritikan terhadap "holocaust" tidak dianggap jenayah. Tetapi jika pengkritik mengkritik di United Kingdom dan kemudian pergi ke Negara yang anggap kritikan itu jenayah, maka Negara itu masih boleh ambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap kritikan yang dibuat di United Kingdom.
Demikian seorang penulis sejarah telah mengkritik "holocaust" di United Kingdom. Apabila dia membuat lawatan ke Austria dia telah ditangkap, dihadapkan ke mahkamah dibawah undang-undang Austria, didapati bersalah dan dipenjara.
Saya terbaca dalam "The Guardian" akhbar British, bahawa seorang bishop mazhab Katolik dari UK yang telah menyoal kebenaran "holocaust" semasa di Argentina telah dihalau keluar daripada Negara itu dengan serta-merta.
Argentina adalah sebuah Negara Katolik tetapi demikianlah pengaruh Yahudi sehingga orang katolik, bahkan Paderi katolik tidak boleh menyoal apa-apa berkenaan dengan "holocaust".
Yang jelas daripada dua peristiwa ini ialah kebebasan bersuara yang kononnya dijunjung tinggi oleh orang Eropah yang hendak dipaksa keatas seluruh dunia, adalah pembohongan semata-mata. Mereka tidak amalkan kebebasan bersuara apabila kepentingan mereka tergugat. Lebih-lebih lagi kepentingan Yahudi. Sebab itu tapisan dibuat keatas berita berkenaan Gaza.
United Kingdom sedang mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi yang amat teruk. Pengangguran sudah melebihi dua juta. Diantara yang menganggur terdapat hampir 700,000 ahli profesional.
Melihat keadaan ini saya khuatir profesional Malaysia juga ramai yang akan menganggur.
Berbilion pound sterling sedang digunakan oleh Kerajaan United Kingdom untuk memulihkan semula ekonomi. Tetapi tindakan ini tidak berkesan. Tidak dapat tidak United Kingdom dan lain-lain negara maju akan menjadi miskin.
Sebenarnya pendapatan per kapita yang mereka banggakan dahulu tidak mencerminkan kekayaan mereka yang sebenar. Kekayaan mereka dahulu adalah hasil penipuan oleh pemain pasaran wang.
Perkiraan purata mereka tidak memberi gambaran yang benar. Oleh kerana terdapat bilangan yang kaya yang begitu ramai maka perkiraan purata (average) per kapita mereka meningkat.
Ini dapat kita lihat apabila seorang daripada seribu orang menjadi jutawan dan 999 menganggur, jika diambil pendapatan purata bagi 1,000 orang ini, pendapatan tiap seorang daripada mereka ialah seribu Dollar. Jelas yang angka per kapita yang disebut tadi menyembunyi pendapatan yang amat rendah bagi majoriti rakyat negara yang dikatakan kaya ini. Apatah lagi dengan billionaire yang begitu ramai di negara kaya.
Sekarang orang yang kaya sudah tidak kaya lagi. Justeru itu pendapatan per kapita negara kaya ini akan jatuh dengan teruk.
Mereka tidak akan dapat pulih kekayaan mereka sehingga bertahun-tahun. Ini adalah oleh kerana membuat wang yang banyak melalui penipuan seperti dahulu tidak lagi akan dapat membantu pemulihan. Pedagang matawang umpamanya tidak lagi boleh menekan nilai matawang seperti pada 1997-98 dan mendapat keuntungan berbilion ringgit dalam masa yang singkat.
Bank tidak lagi boleh beri pinjaman kepada orang yang tidak berkemampuan bayar hutang (sub-prime) untuk untung besar. Dan banyaklah cara-cara penipuan yang lain yang melibat hedge funds dengan derivatives mereka yang tidak lagi dapat memperkayakan mereka.
Kerana cara-cara buat duit cepat dan banyak ini tidak lagi terbuka pada mereka, ramai yang akan tidak sekaya dahulu. Ada yang sudah bunuh diri pun.
Sumbangan mereka kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara dan per kapita akan turun dan kekal di paras yang rendah buat bertahun-tahun. Harapan mereka bahawa melalui bailout mereka akan pulih seperti sebelum kegawatan tidak akan jadi kenyataan.
Malangnya kemiskinan mereka akan mempunyai kesan kepada seluruh dunia termasuk Malaysia.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Monday, February 23, 2009
By andi70 on February 22, 2009 10:48 PM
Salam Tun,
the most unethical scenario where a "speaker dewan" has another power on top of him. what a way to legalise the battle. pr and bn is putting their best effort in fighting the war. anwar on his mission to putrajaya vs. najib.
Tok Det, most probably abdullah will win!
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on February 22, 2009 7:42 PM
1. Kita sedang melihat banyak peristiwa yang pelik berlaku di Perak yang dahulu terkenal dengan timahnya. Tetapi tidak ada yang lebih lucu daripada nasihat Perdana Menteri kepada Dato' Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, Menteri Besar Barisan Nasional supaya beliau membuat laporan polis berkenaan dengan penggantungannya oleh Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak.
2. Jika keputusan yang dibuat oleh Speaker boleh dianggap sebagai satu jenayah, apa akan jadi jika Speaker Dewan Rakyat menggantung ahli pembangkang kerana apa-apa sebab? Dan ini kerap berlaku. Apakah ahli pembangkang akan lapor kepada polis? Jika boleh maka bolehlah kita anggap bahawa polis berkuasa keatas Speaker Dewan.
3. Memang ada jenayah yang boleh dilakukan oleh Tuan Speaker tetapi menggantung seseorang ahli Dewan bukanlah diantara jenayah yang boleh diambil tindakan oleh Polis.
4. Sekarang dilaporkan yang Dr Zambry akan hadir sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak. Mengikut aturan peraturan Dewan, Speaker boleh arah pegawai Dewan untuk keluarkan Yang Amat Berhormat Dr Zambry dari Dewan. Dapatkah pegawai berkenaan yang bukan terdiri daripada parti Pakatan Rakyat berbuat demikian?
5. Dimana pula tempat duduk YAB Zambry? Apakata kalau YB Dato Seri Mohamed Nizar Jamaluddin duduk di tempat Menteri Besar? Apakah pegawai Dewan akan disuruh oleh Speaker untuk paksa Nizar kosongkan kerusinya? Apakah YAB Zambry akan berada di Dewan atau di luar Dewan setelah Speaker mengarah pegawai sekat YAB Zambry daripada berada dalam Dewan.
6. Bersama-samalah kita rakyat lihat akan peristiwa yang akan berlaku.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Friday, February 20, 2009
by andi70 on February 20, 2009 2:38 AM
Salam Tun,
hanan... stop dreaming. you are in "the matrix". pinch yourself to see if you are alived.
thanks Tok Det.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 19, 2009 7:01 PM
Dear Hanan,
1. I think I cannot convince you on anything simply because your perception of things is not based on logic or reason but merely on your strong belief that you are always right, even if the whole world says you are wrong.
2. Jews have lived with Muslims in Muslim countries for centuries without any serious problem.
3. On the other hand in Europe, Jews were persecuted. Every now and again there would be pogroms when the Europeans would massacre Jews. The Holocaust did not happen in Muslim countries. Muslims may discriminate against Jews but did not massacre them.
4. But now you are fighting the largely Muslim Palestinians. It cannot be because of religious differences or the killing of Jews living among them. It must be because you have taken their land and expelled them from their homeland. It is therefore not a religious war. But of course as you seek sympathisers from among the non-Muslims, the Palestinians seek sympathisers among the Muslims. That still does not make the war a religious war.
5. Whether you speak Hebrew or not is not relevant. Lots of people who are not English speak English. They don't belong to England. For centuries you could speak Hebrew but remained Germans, British, French, Russians etc.
6. Lots of Jews cannot speak Hebrew but they are still Jews. Merely being able to speak Hebrew does not entitle you to claim Palestine.
7. The Jews had lived in Europe for centuries. They identify themselves with their domicile. They fought the wars of these countries often against other Jews living in enemy countries.
8. These countries are their homeland. So why should they take Palestinian land to make their own country? They could take any of the European countries as their own country. The United States of America should offer one of its states as Israel.
9. As to history, the Malays had occupied a lot of land in Southeast Asia since time immemorial. Today much of our land has become part of neighbouring countries, having been conquered or because of treaties entered into by the British. We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there.
10. But we want to live in peace with our neighbours. So we accept the borders drawn by the colonialists.
11. You may say it is a joke to believe the Philistines are the forebears of the Palestinians. But what may be a joke to you is a serious belief of much of the non-Jewish world.
12. We did not have a Jewish representative at our conference. But I am sure when you have a conference in Israel you did not have Muslim representatives either.
13. I can sympathise over the killings of the Jews. But show me pictures of total destruction of Israeli towns and villages. Show me the effect of the primitive Hamas rockets on the Israeli people. Compare them with the effects of your bombs, rockets, shells, chemical weapons you used on the Gazans. When did Hamas blockade you and starve Israeli people and deprive them of medical attention. Did Hamas build a wall to separate Israelis from other Israelis including from family members? Did Hamas build settlements in Israel?
14. This idea of out-terrorising the terrorists, of massive retaliation on a scale that horrifies the whole world will not work.
15. Our people who went to Gaza were amazed at the attitude of the people there. Even after the deaths of so many of them, the deaths of their children and babies; even after their towns have been flattened, their schools and hospitals destroyed, they show no fear. Every one of them expects to die at any time because of your attacks but they would never surrender. When asked they simply said it is their land and they would defend it to the last. Even an Arab Christian priest was determined to stay on in Gaza. Those of their children who survive will prepare themselves to defend their land like their parents. Your attacks fail to terrify them or to force them to submit. You only succeed in instilling greater hatred of Israel and the Israelis.
16. When it was pointed out to them that they are no match for the Israeli forces and their weapons of mass destruction, when it was pointed out that their rockets were primitive and cannot compare with the destructiveness of Israeli rockets, they were not disheartened. The Israeli attacks simply strengthened their resolve to go on fighting. The Israeli idea to out-terrorise them has not worked and I believe it would not work.
17. Your arguments simply confirm my belief that the Jews have the same degree of hatred for the Palestinians, despite the fact that you suffer less than them.
18. The war has degenerated into a feud between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinians know they cannot win the war but that simply heightened their hatred for Israelis. They will nevertheless try to kill Jews, even if that will intensify Jewish hatred for the Palestinians. And you will retaliate with many times greater ferocity because you cannot force them to their knees. Their resistance simply increase your anger and hatred of them.
19. We have come to an impasse. If Israel is bent on occupying Palestinian land, on building Jewish settlements, on building Berlin walls and on sanctions and blockade, the Palestinians will continue their futile attacks. Arabs will die, maybe 10 for every one Jew. But with the hatred for Jews which they harbour, that is a worthwhile sacrifice. And Jews will kill more Arabs to express their hatred. And so it will go on as it had gone for 60 years, as it will go on for another 60 years or more.
20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise.
tribute to Che Det Blogs
By andi70 on February 19, 2009 3:25 PM
Salam Tun,
in this scenario, i would foresee that it will happen with DAA will become the pm without politics power. he's not the president party, but he holds to the pm position. and, yes, he still has the remaining critical injury time to make the 4th level happy. what comes next 13th "PRU" is neither their concerns. or they are getting advise from the mosads on their next strategy to win the 13th "PRU" as what's errupted from the perak state government saga. anything is possible with trillion of money, but it's Allah who will make things happen.
we'll see it thru Tok Det, inshaallah.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 16, 2009 7:34 PM
1. Terdapat kegelisahan di Tingkat Empat. Selama lima tahun lebih, Tingkat Empat kadang-kadang lebih berkuasa daripada Kabinet atau Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. Mereka dapat tentukan dasar dan tindakan Kerajaan. Menteri-menteri kerap meminta pertolongan mereka dan pegawai tinggi Kerajaan merujuk kepada mereka sebelum membuat keputusan. Kontraktor melobi dengan mereka untuk mendapat kontrak dan pelabur juga mengguna khidmat mereka untuk mendapat kelulusan.
2. Dalam semua ini terdapat banyak peluang untuk memperkayakan diri.
3. Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih memuaskan nafsu daripada kuasa tanpa tanggungjawab.
4. Malangnya, jika benarlah Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi letak jawatan pada bulan Mac maka segala-gala kuasa ini akan hilang. Ini adalah satu malapetaka bagi Tingkat Empat. Apakah nasib mereka selepas Mac? Apakah mereka akan berdiam diri dan membenar malapetaka ini timpa mereka dengan begitu sahaja? Tidak adakah sesuatu yang boleh dilakukan oleh mereka untuk menangkis musibah ini?
5. Seperti biasa, terdapat banyak berita angin akan perancangan mereka. Jika boleh, mereka akan halang peralihan kuasa, sekurang-kurangnya buat sekian lama.
6. Kata berita angin mereka sedang menasihat Dato Seri Abdullah supaya tidak letak jawatan apabila sahaja Dato Seri Najib Razak jadi Presiden parti. Kata mereka tidak semestinya Presiden parti jadi Perdana Menteri. Ini bukan syarat dalam perlembagaan negara. Ia hanya amalan parti tanpa peruntukan tertulis. Yang menentu segala-galanya ialah Perdana Menteri. Jikalau Perdana Menteri tidak letak jawatan itu haknya, sepertimana memilih menteri atau timbalan perdana menteri adalah haknya. Biasa terjadi yang dipilih menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri bukan Timbalan Presiden UMNO.
7. Apakah Najib akan memberontak? Tidak. Jika ia ternampak akan memberontak ada cara untuk melawannya. Jika dapat dicetuskan keadaan tertentu, seperti rusuhan atau huru-hara, ini boleh dijadikan alasan untuk Dato Seri Abdullah tidak letak jawatan. Ramai ahli UMNO dan ahli Majlis Tertinggi pasti akan sokong Dato Seri Abdullah. Mereka semua terhutang bukan sahaja budi kepadanya.
8. Mungkin ada antara ahli UMNO yang menentang kuat dan bercadang untuk mengadakan undi tidak percaya dalam parti atau dalam Parlimen. UMNO boleh ditangani melalui cara biasa. Jika terpaksa hilang berjuta pun tak mengapa kerana kuasa Tingkat Empat boleh menampung dengan punca-punca yang sudah ada. Apa gunanya wang jika kuasa untuk mendapatnya sudah hilang?
9. Jika ahli Parlimen pula bercadang untuk mengadakan undi tidak percaya dalam Parlimen, ini tidak mungkin berjaya. Sebahagian daripada ahli Parlimen BN mungkin tidak akan sokong tindakan ini. Ahli parti lawan memang hendak Dato Seri Abdullah terus jadi Perdana Menteri. Mereka telah pun menyatakan sokongan mereka. Hadi Awang, Karpal Singh dan Anwar Ibrahim telah menyatakannya secara terbuka.
10. Dengan sokongan ahli parti lawan kepada Dato Seri Abdullah, sukar bagi BN mendapat cukup bilangan untuk meluluskan undi tidak percaya.
11. Jika undi tidak percaya dalam Parlimen tidak berjaya, Abdullah akan jadi PM yang amat lemah, kerana memerlukan sokongan parti lawan untuk meluluskan sebarang undang-undang yang dibawa ke dewan rakyat.
12. Kita sudah lihat bagaimana kelemahan Kerajaan pimpinan Abdullah telah memberanikan semua pihak untuk membangkitkan berbagai kontroversi yang mengugat kestabilan Negara. Keadaan Negara akan hampir kepada tahap tidak ada Kerajaan dan tidak ada undang-undang apabila Kerajaan Abdullah menjadi lebih lemah.
13. Di masa yang sama Negara akan hadapi krisis kewangan dan ekonomi yang lebih teruk dari 1997-1998. Pentadbiran yang lemah tidak mungkin tangani kemerosotan ekonomi yang jauh lebih teruk dari 1997-98. Rakyat akan menderita kerana peningkatan pengangguran dan bankrap. Jenayah akan bertambah dan keselamatan negara akan tergugat.
14. Bagi Tingkat Empat huru-hara dalam Negara tidak mengapa asalkan mereka dapat kekal sebagai kuasa dibelakang Perdana Menteri.
15. Mungkin cerita-cerita berkenaan usaha Tingkat Empat untuk mengekalkan Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri selepas Najib jadi Presiden UMNO hanya rekaan orang-orang tertentu, wallahuwaalam. Demikian jugalah dengan Labu. Si-Luncai pun terjun dengan segala-galanya.
tribute to Che Det Blogs
Sunday, February 15, 2009
By andi70 on February 15, 2009 5:36 PM
Salam Tun,
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan sangka-sangka (dugaan terhadap sesama Muslim), kerana sebagian sangka-sangka itu ialah dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari aib orang dan jangan pula setengah kamu mengumpat yang lain. Sukakah salah seorang kamu, bahawa ia memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati (bangkainya)? Maka tentu kamu benci memakannya. Takutlah kamu kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat lagi Penyayang" Al-Hujujrat 49:12
"O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting) . And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful." Al-Hujujrat 49:12
seek blessing and forgiveness from Allah for He surely forgives, unless for acts of disbelieving Him. Tok Det?
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 15, 2009 12:46 PM
1. Someone drew my attention to an article in a business weekly pullout recently. It is about a book on his father, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman by the Tun's eldest son, Tawfik Ismail.
2. In the interview Tawfik took the opportunity to make out what a monster I was.
3. I quote below extracts of what he said happened when he was dropped as a Member of Parliament in 1990.
4. Tawfik explains; "Mahathir called me into his office before the election. I was with my journalist friends when he called, so they started joking that I was going to be a deputy minister. Sorry to disappoint them...I went to see Mahathir and the first thing he said was, "You know not every son can be like his father", Tawfik recalls, "I thought to myself, 'bloody insult'". Then he continued, "All of my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say, Long Live Mahathir! And my Ministers are not supposed to think for themselves. I think and they do what I want them to do."
5. "I'm thinking this man does not have a high opinion of his Ministers. He actually says, I don't want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you should be in business."
6. I hope Tawfik had a clear conscience whe he said all these. I cannot imagine myself saying that "my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say Long Live Mahathir!"
7. People did stand up when I walk in, but that is common politeness in Malaysia. I stood up when the Tunku or Tun Razak or Hussein Onn came into a room where I and others were. But when I was Prime Minister nobody ever thumped the table and say "Long Live Mahathir!"
8. As to saying to Tawfik, "my Ministers are not supposed to think for themselves. I think and they do what I want them to do."
9. This is sheer fabrication. No Prime Minister ever called in a candidate to tell him that he would be made a deputy minister or minister when he wins an election. I had never talked about reshuffling nor about the quality of the ministers to be appointed.
10. I think it would be difficult for people to remember Tawfik and what he stood for. His performance as an UMNO backbencher was not in any way remarkable. He was not even an ordinary member of UMNO's Supreme Council. Even at division level he did not shine.
11. He was picked to be a candidate two times. His name was proposed by Johor UMNO, I think. I had no problems approving his candidature. As the son of a much respected UMNO Leader, he was naturally regarded as qualified. But he did not distinguish himself in any other way. I don't know whether he was a youth leader or not. Certainly he performed no exploits in the youth or in the UMNO hierarchy.
12. On the basis of his lacklustre performance I did not consider him to be good material to lead UMNO.
13. I don't know whether anyone has noticed that I frequently reappointed for the Cabinet people who had openly tried to bring me down. Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Syed Hamid Albar, Rais Yatim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi were all supporters of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in the contest for President of UMNO. Yet they were all reappointed as Ministers. I don't remember whether they stood up and shouted "Long Live Mahathir!" or not but I think they did stand up together with others when I came into the room where they were. One even became my anointed successor to the Presidency of the party and Prime Minister.
14. When something does not happen, people would not even notice it. Yet far from asking people to shout "Long Live Mahathir!", the first thing I did when I became Minister of Education was to tell my staff that the practice of giving the Minister's name to schools is to be stopped forthwith. There should also be no pictures of the Minister displayed prominently in the schools and offices. Today there is nothing named after me except an orchid flower. I had rejected all requests for naming anything after me. I never liked personality cults.
15. Some UMNO members who attended the Annual General Assembly might remember my asking them not to praise me. Muslims must know that all praise be to Allah. But they still called me "the beloved one" etc. But people now know how many of my former ministers bad mouthed me after I stepped down.
16. Tawfik says that, "I don't want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you (i.e. being intelligent, honest and hardworking) should be in business."
17. He calls this a backhanded compliment. In effect he was complimenting himself by repeating this. I don't think I ever said this about him. Politicians and businessmen can all have the same qualifications.
18. The plea that he had no capital to go into business does not jive with his bitterness over what he alleged I said. Was he really thinking that I would give him the capital?
19. Tawfik said he felt I had not given him time to mull over what I said and he thought, "What could I say to him that would buy him time to mull over it".
20. He ended up asking about Datuk Shahrir Samad and I spoke for 40-minutes. That's an unduly long time for me to speak about anyone to him. Apparently he was not listening as he was taking notes! Of what?
21. His parting shot was meant to hurt my feelings. He said, "Datuk Seri, the best years of my life in politics were when I was fighting you". He then smiled and felt good doing it.
22. I was not aware that he was fighting me. Even if he was he should have noticed that I am not vengeful and was ready to accept those who fought against me as my ministers. In fact I named one of them as my successor.
23. He must have wanted to say all these things in public all this while. The interview on his biography of his father gave him that opportunity.
24. If people want to believe that I am the kind of person who gets a kick out of forcing people to respect me, they can believe it. Those who know me well would probably doubt the truth of what Tawfik said. I don't expect they would vouch for me. But that is alright. My conscience is clear.
tribute to Che Det Blog
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 11, 2009 3:05 PM
1. Waktu saya kecik lebih kurang 70 tahun dahulu saya sering jumpa orang ulu (bukan suku kaum Sarawak), tapi orang ulu Kedah.
2. Ada yang terdiri daripada adik-beradik Mak saya. Ada Tok Karin (loghat Kedah - Kaghin), Lebak, Din, Mak Chah, Mak Bedah, Mak Doh. Orang pekan anggap orang ulu ini agak kolot dan lekeh. Mereka jalan kaki, naik perahu untuk ke pekan Alor Setar (Aloq Staq). Tak pakai kasut pun.
3. Bahasa mereka juga lain daripada bahasa kami orang pekan. Sesungguhnya mereka tak tahu apa. Bawak buah sikit, padi huma, beras pulut, sebagai buah tangan. Kadang-kadang mereka tidur di rumah tak perlu katil, hampar tikar sudah cukup.
4. Di sekolah Inggeris ramai juga anak orang ulu belajar bersama saya. Mula kekok sikit tetapi cepat faham dan guna bahasa Inggeris. Nampak tak bodoh sangat orang ulu ini. Kadang-kadang lulusan lebih baik daripada anak orang pekan.
5. Saya ke universiti. Budak Melayu tak ramai. Tapi di antara mereka ada juga anak orang ulu, terutama di Fakulti Sastera. Lulus Bachelor of Arts (B.A. - Sarjana Muda Sastera) mereka sertai Kerajaan, ramai di Kementerian Luar. Jadi second secretary (setiausaha kedua), first secretary (setiausaha pertama) dan kemudian jadi duta.
6. Boleh juga cakap orang putih dengan orang putih, anak orang ulu ni. Boleh berhujah dan bergaya sebagai Pak Duta.
7. Sebenarnya ramai anak orang ulu yang belajar sehingga dapat Phd. (Doktor Falsafah) di universiti luar negara kembali jadi pegawai tinggi Kerajaan.
8. Sekarang anak orang pekan pun susah nak kerja di luar negeri. Tak suka cocktail party kerana segan nak bercakap. Orang asing nak cakap bahasa lain, kerap kali guna bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi ini bukan masalah. Yang jadi masalah di cocktail party orang minum arak. Sebab itu pegawai tak suka pergi cocktail party.
9. Yang suka pergi cocktail party pegawai bukan Melayu. Mereka boleh bergaul dengan orang asing, bercakap dengan mereka bukan main fasih lagi, dan sudah tentu minum arak. Tetapi berguna juga mereka kerana mereka dapat dengar dan faham pendapat duta-duta asing.
10. Nampak sekarang sama saja - anak orang ulu atau anak orang pekan. Dulu kedua-dua boleh, sekarang kedua-dua pun tak boleh.
11. Pada pengalaman saya sejak 70-tahun dahulu, anak orang ulu ada kebolehan, tak kolot, tak lah lekeh sangat. Bila diberi peluang boleh buat. Anak kawan saya, Hassan Nawin (orang ulu dalam kelas saya) jadi pilot Boeing 747. Ada yang jadi doktor, pakar bedah, peguam, duta dan macam-macam lagi.
12. Rupa-rupanya mereka tak begitu lekeh. Janganlah perlekeh orang kampung, orang ulu dan orang luar bandar. Mereka boleh, kalau diberi peluang. Kalau tak percaya, buat kajian. Yang pegang jawatan tinggi, yang cakap bahasa Inggeris macam orang Oxford siapa? Ramai juga orang ulu.
13. Saya sendiri tak mimpi jadi doktor. Zaman saya di sekolah, doktor Melayu yang saya tahu hanya Doktor Arif, Pulau Pinang.
14. Tetapi saya dapat peluang, dapat juga lulus sampai jadi doktor. Kita serba boleh. Tetapi kalau orang sekat peluang saya mana saya nak tahu saya boleh atau tidak.
15. Demikian nasib orang Melayu bandar dan luar bandar. Dulu Mat Salleh (orang putih) anggap orang Melayu bodoh, tak boleh pegang jawatan. Sekarang orang Melayu sendiri anggap Melayu kampung bodoh.
16. Hai lah nasib!
tribute to Che Det Blog
By andi70 on February 12, 2009 2:31 AM
Salam Tun,
i wonder how come my mother who is an "orang kampong" (rural folks) can speak english fluently with foreigners while looking after her shop in langkawi before. yes folks, an ordinary "orang kampong" doing business with mat saleh.
yet, she use bahasa malaysia with her kids at home and among her friends. she can even speak thai too.
is she a less patriotic malay because she learned her english at schools? i believe she's among those school teacher who pass standard six and start donating her knowledge to surrounding school kids.
nowdays, can we even think of our 13 years old boy teaching in a school, let alone teaching an english subject? yes, our cream of the cream with aces lining on their upsr certificates.
yet, my mother who is an "orang kampung", was a school teacher with standard six certificate. she's done her deeds. how about us?
we are still quarelling about EiM&S whether need to continue or abolish. i did mention before, japan and thailand raise to their state today just by using their mother language. japan almost conquer the economic world.
but thanks to some of those english oriented japan who learned from the u.s. and british to gain knowledge. with the knowledge, they contribute back to their nation by translating it back to japanese.
japanese is also known for wondering the world with their camera. and they get ideas from other part of the world and innovate it further back home. some of these travellers roam the world without even knowing a proper english.
however, japanese upbringing is cultured towards innovation. compared to malaysians, very long way to go. our childrens are still spoonfed until s.p.m. never ever cross their mind to venture out from what being thought by their teacher only.
their aim is to get as many ace as possible. they are afraid to make mistake, cause they are punish for making mistakes. why do we need to punish them? they won't learn if they didn't make mistake.
the root cause is m.e.n.t.a.l.i.t.y. and double standard here Tok Det.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on February 10, 2009 12:28 PM
1. The Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW) held a special forum on Palestine.
2. In my opening speech I stressed that the war in Palestine is not a religious war between Islam and Judaism. It is a territorial war resulting from the European powers carving out a slice of Palestinian land in order to create the State of Israel.
3. It is grossly unjust for the Europeans to solve their Jewish problem by taking land belonging to the Arab Palestinian to give to the Jews for their homeland. It is grossly unfair that they should transfer their problem to the Arabs.
4. The participants at the forum represented all races, belonging to all religions. There were ethnic European Christians, Chinese Catholics, Hindus, Sikhs, Malay Muslims, Arab Muslims, Chinese Buddhists and many others.
5. They came together because they were moved by the human tragedy that is happening in Gaza, Palestine. That the Palestinian Arabs are mostly Muslims did not lessen the feeling of sympathy felt by the participants.
6. Two doctors from Jordan were present. They had gone to Gaza to show their sympathy and brotherhood and to help treat the casualties. They were not prepared to see the carnage caused by Israeli attacks.
7. The Israeli forces appeared to be using new kinds of shells and bombs which exploded after bouncing off the ground hurling sharp metal shrapnel which cut deep into the bodies of the victims.
8. Many had their arms and legs severed by the shrapnel, while others died when the shrapnel cut deep into their bodies and organs.
9. One man was saved because the shrapnel cut into a small Quran he had in his pocket but stopped short of his chest.
10. Phosphorus bombs scattered white phosphorus all over the victims. The phosphorus sticks to the body and burn as long as there is oxygen in the air. It burns through the skin, through the muscles and through the bones. It is impossible to remove the phosphorus without cutting deep into the tissues and bones.
11. The pictures of decapitated bodies, shrapnel severed arms and legs were horrifying. The surgeons had to operate on stretchers with several operations going on in one room at the same time. There was blood everywhere and yet there was no blood for transfusion.
12. The video also showed Israeli men and women being interviewed. They were quite hysterical, shouting and demanding that the Palestinian children should be killed as they, the Israeli women had lost their children because of rocket attacks by Hamas.
13. The Gaza attacks exposed the horror of modern warfare. No one is spared. The town of Gaza is reduced to rubble and bodies were strewn everywhere. Children were buried under the rubble of fallen buildings, with only their dead heads visible. There were burnt bodies of babies.
14. Professor Gurdial Singh spoke about how Israel could be tried by an International War Crimes Court.
15. Then it was question time. An Englishman voiced his anger that the pictures of the atrocities were not made public in the United Kingdom. He wished that the Jordanian doctors could give their briefings together with the pictures in London.
16. Responding to the remarks, Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out that the Western media is owned by a small number of people and they control the news contents. They were obviously pro-Israel and their policy is to promote the Israeli cause against Palestine and Muslims in general.
17. Many of the questions asked showed strong sympathy for the Palestinians. The questions were from all races and religions.
18. Then a young Arab man took the floor. The first thing he said was to emphasise that the Palestinian war is a religious war. Muslims must support the Palestinians because of their faith. There can be no two ways. The Arabs must fight a holy war against the Jews. They must fight because the Jews are the enemies of the Muslims, of the Arabs.
19. I felt uncomfortable, as there were many non-Muslim supporters of the Palestinians in the audience. Making the Palestinian war as a religious war seem to reject the sympathy and support of the non-Muslims.
20. A Chinese Catholic got up to reply that he has full sympathy for the Palestinians who had lost their land, who had been driven out of their country to live as refugees. He thought that the Palestinians were unjustly treated and the Israeli killings of the Palestinians were against all humanitarian values. He did not see it as a religious war but a war against injustice and oppression.
21. I was depressed by the attitude of the young Arab. It seems he was moved only by the hatred of the Jews. On the other hand the demand of the Israeli woman to have Palestinian children killed also exposes her bitter hatred of the Palestinians.
22. This is wrong. Of course enemies must hate each other. But that must not be the reason for the war. Actually it is a product of the war.
23. The real reason for the war is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. The objective of the Palestinians should be the re-conquest of the lost land, including removal of the settlements set up by the Jews. The whole war must be directed with this objective.
24. What I realised when the young Arab vehemently declared that the war is a religious war was that the war would have no end. The objective was to kill Jews because of their religion.
25. On the Jewish side it is the same. They want to kill and destroy the Arabs because they hate the Arabs. That explains their brutality, their targeting schoolchildren, babies and old people. That also explains the diabolical weapons that they use, not just to kill but to cause as much pain and disfigurement as possible.
26. The Israeli leaders, especially the military are said to welcome Hamas rockets. To provoke Hamas into firing their rockets the Israelis blockaded Gaza.
27. When Hamas fired the rockets, Israelis would condemn the deaths, especially of children. The people were angered by the death and demanded retaliation, which the military duly obliged with massive attacks out of all proportion to the damage done by the unsophisticated Hamas rockets.
28. For their part the Palestinians would show the effects of Israeli brutality, the destruction of the towns and the deaths of innocent children. The hatred against the Jews was fanned to red heat, and Palestinians would become ready to kill the Jews in any way they can. They would fire more rockets and the Jews would retaliate with even greater force and brutality.
29. Both sides have now forgotten the reasons for their war. It is like the clan war of old, when for generations the hatred would be kept alive and both sides would want to go on fighting and killing each other.
30. The Palestinians are getting the worse deal in this "I kill your people, you kill my people," fighting.
31. I was asked by the Jordanian doctor, when will this war end. I think it will have no end because it has degenerated into feuds of old, when Semitic tribes fight each other for generations simply because they were traditional enemies. The original reason for the enmity has long been forgotten.
32. If the war is going to be terminated both sides must try to remember the original cause and negotiate for peace. The backers of the contestants should cease providing money and weapons so they will continue to fight. Instead they should urge both sides to discuss a peace not based on who is more powerful but on justice.
tribute to Che Det Blog
By andi70 on February 10, 2009 2:37 PM
Salam Tun,
carve out a part of US and move all jews to that land. anyway, that's what jews have been doing, e.g. new york properties are own by them, buying up properties. to carve out is just to legalise the israel state, as what have been strongly supported by the u.s. but, i guess, the american anti jews won't allow this to happen.
well Tok Det, even the supporter i.e. u.s. also reject this idea, but where on earth do the u.s. get this feelings that the palestinians and arab will receive the jews with warm hugs.
By andi70 on February 10, 2009 3:04 PM
Salam Tun,
latest snippets
Umno: Dulu menderhaka kini taat setia http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19309&Itemid=1
are they suppose to be called traitor (pengkhianat) Tok Det?
GM-1 Myhelth Mangosteen Essence have75 reasons why you need to consume it.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Salam Tun,
12. Lompat masuk (perangkap) boleh tapi lompat keluar tak sah!! He, he, he!
this is the part that people seldom heard of, the ordinary side of happy person Tun is.
geting back at your nemesis Tok Det?
http://viplife-myhelth.blogspot.com is good for you Tok Det. Please use it for your life longivity and makes you stronger to advise and steer malaysia through this episod.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
2. Kemudian saya dengar pula dua orang ahli PKR hilang. Bila mereka dijumpai cerita yang didengar ialah mereka sudah keluar daripada PKR.
3. Dan banyaklah berita angin berkenaan ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat yang akan lompat dari parti ke parti.
5. Malangnya perbuatan ini didapati tidak sah daripada segi undang-undang. Jika mereka ingin keluar daripada parti maka mereka sendiri perlu keluarkan surat yang diperbuat oleh mereka dan ditandatangani oleh mereka pada ketika itu untuk disampaikan kepada Tuan Speaker.
6. Saya percaya surat yang diperbuat oleh mereka tanpa tarikh dahulu akan ditolak oleh Tuan Speaker. Oleh itu mereka akan kekal sebagai Ahli Dewan walaupun mereka lompat ke parti lain atau mereka akan jadi ahli bebas.
7. Presiden UMNO berkata UMNO sedia untuk menerima siapa sahaja untuk menjadi ahli. Ini memanglah dasar parti. Tetapi kedua-dua ahli yang ingin keluar dari PKR ini mempunyai masalah. Mereka dituduh terlibat dengan rasuah seks.
8. Apakah UMNO begitu terdesak sehingga tidak dapat tunggu keputusan mahkamah berkenaan tuduhan terhadap mereka sebelum menerima mereka? Jika diterima sekarang dan kemudian mereka didapati tidak bersalah maka Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO (lebih kurang) akan dituduh mempengaruhi mahkamah. Benar tidak benar bukan soalnya. Pada pandangan masyarakat tuduhan ini tetap akan dipercayai. Ia akan punyai kesan dalam PRU13.
9. UMNO sudah dianggap bergelumang dengan rasuah, selalu mungkir janji, mengutamakan kroni Perdana Menteri di Terengganu. Jika kepada semua ini ditambah pula dengan penerimaan orang yang dituduh melakukan rasuah seks, imej UMNO akan jadi lebih buruk.
10. Dato Abdullah Presiden UMNO, fikir dahulu sebelum beria-ia nak terima orang yang seperti ini.
tribute to http://chedet.co.cc
Comment by
By andi70

Salam Tun,
it is a very sad day when the present government becomes aggravated to the extend of making up a new law of anti party jumping when they heard some of their mp's will detract to PR, but in buletin utama at 8.00 pm today, najib with proud and big smile made a media announcement that they have accepted 3 PR detractors and ultimately become the new Perak state government.
this kind of leadership is not wanted by the "rakyat" because he has no principle. not to mention about the comment i made about Fauzi Musa being offered RM50m before, i wonder to what extend najib will do to hold to his future post as pm, God forbids. i hate rumours, but a mongolian girl was blown to pieces witnesssd by the wife of a very prominent politician, where as, a reporter was sent to ISA for alleged fabrication of lies in a blog, and a prosecution witness went missing after making a statutory declaration the day before in front of the media. all were rumoured to be related only to one case. i don't want to have a monster family leading this nation!
but what can i do? i can only blog and pray to God to save my loving malaysia and hope someone will open their blind eyes and take action. please DYMM Tuanku Mizan, as head of malaysia, declare a martial law and take control of the nation. oh, i forgot, that power has been strip long ago before DYMM becomes our king.
so, what other avenue do we have Tok Det?
2. Tetapi hingga kini tidak ada apa-apa pun berita tentang tindakan yang telah diambil oleh Jawatankuasa Disiplin atau mana-mana pihak.
3. Sekarang kita dengar cerita lain pula. Wakil-wakil Bahagian yang akan hadir Mesyuarat Agong pada bulan Mac sudah pun ditentukan oleh bahagian-bahagian. Mereka terdiri daripada ketua bahagian, timbalan ketua bahagian, naib ketua bahagian, ketua wanita, ketua pemuda dan ketua puteri serta tujuh orang yang dipilih dalam mesyuarat bahagian yang lalu. Jumlah 13 orang semuanya.
5. Sasaran rasuah ialah kepada 2,483 wakil ini. Saya dengar (tetapi saya tidak percaya) sudah ada calon bagi jawatan tertentu yang sudah beri elaun bulanan kepada sebilangan besar daripada wakil-wakil bahagian ini. Bahagian mereka mencalon calon-calon tertentu tetapi yang akan undi dalam Mesyuarat Agong ialah perwakilan. Dan mereka yang dapat elaun mungkin (mungkin sahaja) akan undi calon yang memberi elaun kepada.
6. Jika yang menang adalah orang yang menghulur rasuah maka UMNO akan dipimpin oleh perasuah.
7. Dan Kerajaan Malaysia dan Kerajaan Negeri akan dipimpin oleh perasuah selepas Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 jika Barisan Nasional menang. Dan pemimpin jenis ini akan sauk duit Kerajaan dan duit siapa sahaja yang berurusan dengan Kerajaan.
8. Saya telah berbual dengan beberapa orang yang tidak berparti dan juga yang berparti. Pendapat mereka semuanya sama - mereka tidak ingin diperintah oleh Kerajaan pimpinan perasuah.
9. Saya tanya jika tidak ingin apakah yang mereka boleh buat?
10. Mereka akan perhati dengan teliti pemilihan pemimpin UMNO bulan Mac ini.
11. Jika perwakilan UMNO memilih orang yang diketahui umum mengguna wang untuk dapat undi dan menjadi pemimpin UMNO mereka akan tentukan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional akan kalah Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
12. Bolehkah mereka berbuat demikian? Jawab mereka lihat sahaja keputusan Pilihanraya Umum ke-12. BN kalah di lima buah negeri dan tidak dapat 2/3 di Parlimen kerana mereka memberi undi mereka kepada parti lawan.
13. Undi mereka, kata mereka adalah undi penentu. UMNO tidak boleh menang kerana undi ahli-ahli UMNO sahaja. UMNO perlu undi pengundi yang bukan ahli.
14. Kata mereka bukan sahaja yang bebas tidak akan beri undi pada calon pilihanraya UMNO, tetapi ramai juga ahli UMNO yang kecewa kerana kelakuan ahli dan pemimpin UMNO yang tidak akan mengundi calon UMNO dan BN. Mereka yakin kalau mereka percaya pemimpin UMNO yang dipilih Mac ini adalah perasuah, mereka akan tentukan UMNO akan kalah Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
15. Pendapat ini disuarakan juga oleh orang Cina dan India. Kalau yang akan pimpin UMNO lepas Mac ini adalah yang terkenal mengguna wang untuk jadi ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, mereka juga akan undi parti lawan.
16. UMNO tidak perlu ambilkira pendapat mereka ini. Bukankah UMNO parti yang terkuat di Malaysia? Takkanlah UMNO boleh dikalahkan!
tribute to http://chedet.co.cc
Comment by
By andi70

Salam Tun,
it's tremendeously amazing when you mention about corruption within umno which is known to be like a bush fire. but, no, they have to implicate other parties as well, like the case of Fauzi Muda ( http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19164&Itemid=1 ) who were promised a bribe of RM50 million, just to entice PR state member to jump party. well, yes folks, our money! yet, how much will be offered to the state member?
alas Tok Det, a fish rot from the head.
1. I agree entirely with you that building a great nation doesn't only take brains, but as you said it sure does help.
2. However brains alone without a heart (feelings) can produce a monster.
3. Israel is undoubtedly a great nation, becoming great through the brains and the numerous achievements you have listed. Yes I have used Israeli originated products like Microsoft Windows and Pentium chips (made in Malaysia) by Intel, an American company.
5. I am amazed at the number of Nobel Laureates Israel has produced. I admit we have not produced even one.
6. But when the brain is without a heart it does not care for the misery resulting from the products of the brain.
7. The atom bombs which killed 100,000 men, women, children and babies are the product of Israeli (Jewish) brain. Most of the diabolical weapons now being used to kill millions of people are also the creation of Israelis on Zionist Jews. The depleted uranium and phosphorous shells being used in Gaza are also the product of Israeli brains.
8. The current financial crisis which is destroying the economies of the U.S. Britain and in fact all the countries of the world is due to manipulations of banks, financial institutions and the monetary system by Jewish supporters of Israel.
9. The negation of the freedom of speech when it comes to the alleged killings of Jews in World War II are also inspired by Zionist Jews.
10. But worse of all is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Not content with the area given to the Jews by the United Nations you have seized more Palestinian land, built settlements on many parts of Palestine, disallowed the use of roads built on Palestinian land to the Palestinians, erected your own check points at the borders of Palestine with Jordan and built your version of the Berlin Wall through Palestinian villages on land that is not part of Israel.
11. Before the creation of Israel, the Jews and Arabs in Palestine lived in peace. Historically Jews had always sought refuge in Muslim countries when the Europeans conducted pogroms against them. This only stopped after the U.S. offered asylum.
12. All the terrorism that we see today, whether state initiated or by irregulars, started after the U.S. backed Israel against Arab attempts to regain their land through conventional wars. Because they were outclassed in terms of weapons by the U.S, / Israel, alliance, then only did the Arabs resort to what is called terrorism. The Israeli response have always been with greater terrorism as is seen in Gaza.
13. I have asked an American what he would do if Texas was given to the Jews to create the state of Israel. He did not answer. But I believe he would fight to get back Texas, employing all the weapons at its disposal.
14. Yet had the United States been willing to create the nation of Israel in the lands under U.S. control or in the U.S. itself, there would be no terrorism in Palestine or in the Middle East. There would be no terrorism in America either because Israel would be wiped out by the U.S. forces. The world would remain peaceful.
15. The brutality committed by your forces in Gaza is out of all proportion to the puny rocket attacks by Hamas. That attack was the result of Israel and the U.S. failing to accept the results of a properly conducted election.
16. Hamas could only establish their Government in Gaza. But you blockaded Gaza, denying them food, medicine, power, fuel etc. If you had not done that I doubt that Hamas would fire rockets at you.
17. Malaysia is well aware that total boycott of Israel is not possible. We are in fact boycotting American products which is an even more impossible task. We would not be able to bring America or Israel down.
18. But what we aim to do is to demonstrate the disgust and the anger that we feel over the inhumanity of the brainy but primitive peoples of Israel and America.
19. You can collect Nobel prizes and other prizes but the world will look down upon you as very primitive people who robbed land through terror against perfidious British and subsequently used your control over the world's greatest military power to oppress the people whom you had robbed.
20. You have nothing to be proud of, unless of course you take pride in being heartless, in being primitive brutes.
21. The only mitigating factor is the presence among Israelis of a small number who are ashamed of what you have done to the people of Gaza.
tribute to http://chedet.co.cc
Comments by
By andi70

Salam Tun,
international jews by henry ford ( http://www.jrbooksonline.com/Intl_Jew_full_version/ijtoc_.htm )describe how jews conspire to control the whole world by their ideas. this book was once banned internationally, and it was you, Tun, that allowed it in malaysia. yes, the jews are great thinker at generating catastrophic ideas with main purpose to distabilised and corrupted other races besides themselves. they, however ( read as practicing jews ) prescibe to the jews way of living, whilst promoting others to live by the way of life of the jews creation, which is demeaning and distructive.
one that is not realised by everyone is the notion of democracy, which majority rules. the jews has create it in such a way that democracy way of life is acceptable to everyone, yet, it is a very destructive mode of government that can exist. it replace the way of life of islam, christian, budhism and others. it put other way of life under the power of democratic way of life, unknowingly by others. their objective is to divide and rule.
in the latest world event, the jews gave the last blow when they striked gaza mercilesly, and to soften their aggrassion, they have put another soft puppet known as obama ( ridiculously almost similar to the hatred of the western world, osama ) to calm down the situation. they will have at least another term to play down the anger of the whole world towards them! their choice of candidate will pleasure the jews and christians ( barack http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_origin_of_the_name_Barack ), the muslim ( hussein http://wiki.name.com/en/Hussein ) and the afrikan ( obama http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_meaning_of_the_name_Obama ) as the name itself represent the etnicity of such group. no doubt, he is still the puppet of the jews.
reading al-Quran, the history of jews is well known as one race that killed 3 of their own prophets. what do we expect from such race. it has been destined that they are the race that will act as a human devil ( syaitan ) in this world, hence, they are only doing their job as prescribe by Allah. but, are we doing what have been prescribe by our own God? at least, the jews are observing Allah's orders!
hence, please don't be philosophical when attacking the jews when we are not adhering to the al-Quran ourselves. put Islamic way of life ( the creation of Allah ) as our main pillar, and uphold it. not the jews creation way of life.
Tok Det, malaysia will be a strong nation when we uphold the real Islamic way of life.
http://viplife-myhelth.blogspot.com help those in dire needs and life longivity.
Salam Tun,
i read the article in boycott with interest later, after posting my previous comment. however, i think you need to correct the article title because you are supposed to comment to shalom, not hanan, which is a place ( http://www.fallingrain.com/world/IS/4/Tel_Hanan.html ) in israel.
Shalom from Hanan, a Jew, Israel.
need to correct it Tok Det, so that we do not become the laughing stock of shalom.
http://viplife-myhelth.blogspot.com can improve our health and others tremendeously.
Below is the introduction to the Charter;
3. Who wars today? Is it us or is it the very country which initiated this Charter, on whose soil the countries of the world gathered to formulate and to sign.
5. And has the United States shown any "faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small".
6. Look at the millions killed, millions more injured, cities and towns devastated by wars of aggression by the United States, look at the detention without trial and the torture of suspected "terrorists", the sanctions which killed hundreds of thousands of children and many other obvious disregard for fundamental human rights; look at them and ask yourselves what kind of people are the Americans who signed the UN Charter.
7. Then there is the obligation "to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law".
8. Have the United States and Britain, the main signatories of the United Nations Charter "established conditions under which justice and respect for .... treaties and international laws".
9. Both countries totally ignored the Charter of the United Nations the treaty that established it, when both warred against Iraq without the approval of the United Nations. Numerous international laws on rights of citizens and non-citizens, imprisonment and torture, international agreements on the environment have been flouted by the United States. Even the authority of the World Court has been rejected by the US.
10. Has the United States promoted social progress and better standards of life? Killing people in order to promote democracy is totally contrary to this undertaking.
11. Has the United States practiced tolerance and lived in peace as good neighbours? Has the United States obeyed the injunction not to use armed force and has it used international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all people? To all these questions, the answer is a resounding "No"!
12. Truly the United States and at times Britain together with Israel have never honored anything that they have undertaken to do in the Charter of the Untied Nations or at any other time.
13. And yet these two countries often take the high moral ground to preach to other people about human rights, about the rule of law, about respect for international law, about respecting treaties and agreements, about equality and freedoms etc.
14. Never has the world seen hypocrisy on this scale.
tribute to http://chedet.co.cc
Comment by
By andi70

Salam Tun,
this is what have been told of the 100 years of muslim sufferings after the toppled last kaliph empire. the us-britain-israel are just fullfiling the prophecy and the end of that era is blooming. these countries which terrorised the whole world will come to it's knee with worldwide economic boycott on their product.
malaysia must lead the movement. with diverse experience while spearheading nam & oic movement, also a stronger voice through un, lid and other dialoges, her role is pivotal in ensuring that these attrocities terrorising countries abide by the un charter.
we need to encourage more ecomonic cooperation through organisations that malaysia is a member, and pursue at all cost.
on the rakyat level, start generating extra income by venturing into small business, self-sustaining agriculture or mlm business, because at times like this, a lot of small entrepreneurs and mlm business sprung like blooming mushrooms after morning rain. strengthen our economy and starts donating to deserving people and countries. we should be economic producer, not being as a user only.
once we can be self independent on economic terms, use it wisely to enforce our purchasing right. help local products, boycott us-israel-british product.
thanks for publishing most of my views Tok Det.
2. Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan sudah bertitah.
3. Tetapi Menteri Besar Pakatan tidak hendak berhenti jadi MB. Pejabatnya sudah dikosongkan oleh Polis.
5. Pakatan boleh adakan Kerajaan minoriti. Demokrasi mengizinkan.
6. Tetapi kerajaan minoriti lemah. Dia boleh ditumbang dengan undi tidak percaya oleh majoriti ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, kalau Dewan bersidang. Mungkin Pakatan tak mahu ada persidangan.
7. Siapakah yang berhak mengadakan persidangan? Bolehkah puak majoriti paksa Kerajaan minoriti adakan persidangan khas untuk undi tak percaya?
8. Jika tidak dapat paksa Kerajaan minoriti mengadakan persidangan mereka boleh ambil bermacam-macam tindakan untuk merosakkan negeri Perak. Apakah yang boleh dibuat kepada kerajaan minoriti jika ia kekalkan dirinya dan terus merosakkan negeri? Keadaan seperti ini masih kelabu; tak ada peruntukan undang-undang setakat yang saya tahu.
9. Mungkin pegawai tidak akan patuh kepada kerajaan minoriti ini. Tetapi pegawai profesional perlu akur akan perintah Kerajaan yang halal.
10. Kita hanya boleh pandang dan lihat sandiwara yang sedang berterusan. Anwar akan dapat banyak pengajaran daripada sandiwara ini kerana dialah yang beria-ia sangat untuk ada lompat katak yang terbesar pada September 16. Oh! Silap, September 24. Oh! Silap lagi.
11. Amat menggelikan hati mendengar telatah Anwar berkenaan Nasarudin Hashim (ADUN Bota) masuk PKR dan keluar daripada PKR.
12. Lompat masuk (perangkap) boleh tapi lompat keluar tak sah!! He, he, he!
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By andi70